Author's posts
News from the Farm – June 26
I, personally, thank the good Lord for the rain we received over the weekend. It was sorely needed. While I don’t feel that anything in the fields was in danger of being lost due to lack of moisture, I could tell things were thirsty. Garlic Scape Pesto 1 cup grated Parmesan cheese 3 Tbsp. fresh …
News From the Farm – June 17
Good evening everyone. What goes creak, groan, sigh, and Zzzzz? Answer: Jake Jake’s kids: Daddy? Jake: Yes… Jake’s kids: Could you please tell us a story? Jake: Once there was on old man who lived in a woods… Jake’s kids: Daddy! Wake up! Jake: Zzzzz…Oh! What? What were we doing? Enough silliness. I …
News from the Farm – June 10
Happy Spring…or Summer? Good day to you all. I sit here writing, and listening intently for the sound of raindrops on the roof. Any moment now it should start…right? This spring has been full of challenges. And while I will touch on some of them, I would also like to share some of the positives …
News from the Farm – May 25
Good afternoon all, It seems like an awful long time since I last updated you as to what has been going on and what we are looking forward to. Here is the short version… Rain, rain, rain. Then a little dry spell. More rain. Seeding carrots, beets, spinach, corn, beans, cantaloupe, watermelon, winter squash, …
Thank you HSU Growing Supply!
Pictured here are two flats of peppers. The weaker looking peppers on the left were seeded first with an organic potting mix (name withheld) purchased from store (name withheld). The other flat was sown a full two and half weeks later using a germination mix from HSU Growing Supply out of Wausau. The results speak …
Strawberry time?
This photo was taken a few weeks ago. Last year we decided to transplant a few strawberry plants into our greenhouse to see if we could get a jump on the strawberry season. Normally, in this area of Wisconsin, strawberries will ripen in mid-June, but we wanted to see if we could get them in …
The Stinking Rose
Did you hear about the garlic diet? You don’t lose any weight, but from a distance your friends say you look thinner. The lovely little plant you see sprouting here is garlic. Garlic is a wonderful crop to grow and one of our personal favorites at Dynamite Harvest. It emerges from the ground early in …
Hello little friends
Good day to you all. Pictured here are some new little friends who have decided to poke their heads through the soil. Normally I might not make much of a big deal about seeds germinating, but this time I had been using some seed that was three years old. This brings up an interesting question: …
Winter Comfort
Hello everyone, It is common in the middle of what seems to be long cold February days to look forward to spring and the growing season ahead. Warmer days, seed catalogs, and greenhouse advertising all remind me that it’s time to prepare for spring. However, I also hang onto the previous growing season. Every time …
News From the Farm – Nov 5
No. We are not done yet! We still have food to offer you. Consider buying some produce for Thanksgiving. We have: Winter Squash (delicata, butternut, spaghetti, acorn) Beets (golden, red, striped heirloom) Carrots Peppers (green and red bell, hot) Cabbage (for sauerkraut) Kohlrabi And of course, plenty of fall decorations. Holler if you are interested