News from the Farm – May 25


Good afternoon all,

It seems like an awful long time since I last updated you as to what has been going on and what we are looking forward to. Here is the short version…

Rain, rain, rain. Then a little dry spell. More rain. Seeding carrots, beets, spinach, corn, beans, cantaloupe, watermelon, winter squash, pumpkins, cucumbers, okra, lettuce, cabbage, kohlrabi, cauliflower, kale, brussels sprouts, asparagus, peas, and sunflowers. Transplanting (drum roll please) 200 strawberries, 1300 potatoes, 150 tomatoes, 75 peppers, 50 cabbages, 75 herbs, 2500 onions (not a typo!). Weeding. Watering. Whimpering (from my aching back). Yelling at the ducks for eating my pea shoots. Setting up my full-security military-grade impenetrable fortress of fence inside the greenhouse to keep SOMETHING from continually eating the pepper plants. (It’s not you, is it Tony?) Tilling. Trellising. TIRED! I love being a farmer. Well, that’s what I did yesterday. Just kidding. It took me two days.


Jake Jalapeno