Good day to you all. Pictured here are some new little friends who have decided to poke their heads through the soil. Normally I might not make much of a big deal about seeds germinating, but this time I had been using some seed that was three years old. This brings up an interesting question: …
Tag: Greenwood
News From the Farm – October 4
I am always amused when after a hard freeze or frost people come up to me and say “Well, you must be just about done in the fields.” While it is true that works pace slows and harvesting urgency lessens, it is hardly a time of less work. Truth be told I enjoy that first …
News From the Farm – September 7
It certainly feels like autumn, especially with the 40+ degree evening we had. One can’t help but think of all the wonderful sights and smells that grace a kitchen this time of year. The weather should stay warmer for a few more days and for this I am thankful because the watermelons and sweet corn …
News from the Farm – August 11
Good morning everyone! Where has the summer gone? We are already in the middle of August. In Greenwood, as far as my research suggests, the first fall frost date is around September 15th (Maybe those of you who have lived here longer can verify that). That is exactly 5 weeks away. I am not sure …
New From the Farm – July 13
Greetings from your local Greenwood Growers! The dandy picture below is of a head lettuce called Merlot. It is such a beautiful shade of red that it almost seems more like a flower than a lettuce. One cannot complain about the weather this summer: cool, breezy, and best of all, no mosquitos so far. Of …