News From the Farm – September 7

It certainly feels like autumn, especially with the 40+ degree evening we had. One can’t help but think of all the wonderful sights and smells that grace a kitchen this time of year.
The weather should stay warmer for a few more days and for this I am thankful because the watermelons and sweet corn need all the help they can get to ripen before cool weather.
The tomatoes are going crazy right now, and with the exception of the chickens getting into the greenhouse and pecking indiscriminate holes in the beautiful heirloom tomatoes, we are happy. I am not sure if the ducks and chickens are in league together or not, but the ducks are doing the same thing! Did I mention one of the beautiful smells in an autumn kitchen is chicken soup?
Some critter also found the sweet corn over the weekend. Minimal damage, but I set a live trap out anyway.
Here is what is available:
Tomatoes (heirloom, cherry, paste, red slicers)
Cauliflower (large BEAUTIFUL orange heads)
Beets (striped, red, golden)
Herbs (basil, cilantro, dill, parsley)
Cucumbers (including armenian white, lemon, regular)
Summer squash and zucchini
Cabbage (red or green)
Cantaloupe (Excellent and very sweet)
Let us know if you are interested!