Tag: beets

News From the Farm – October 25

Good morning once again. Ah yes, back to the weather we have come to expect for late October, but the weekend was brilliant, and it took the edge off of the pathetic Green Bay loss on Sunday. You might be wondering what we still have available for sale. If you are not, too bad, because …

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News From the Farm – July 18

  The battle with the weeds has begun in earnest. Up till now, I felt like I was keeping up with the weeds pretty well, but this warm weather after a nice long rain will test my weeding skills. As a nice surprise this week, we have some beautiful kohlrabi. I had planted someĀ  earlier …

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News from the farm – July 5th

It was a pretty exciting day for at least 2 of my (Jake’s) children as they came worked with me and did a tremendous job helping to wash and pack a LOT of green onions (about 1000) and plenty of beets. The job took about 3 hours and they trooped through in the heat, and …

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