Cuke season is here! Interested in making pickles? We have the cucumbers and the dill.
What is the difference between a pickling cucumber and a regular cucumber? Pickling cucumbers are generally thinner skinned, smaller, and retain a crunchy texture when brined. They are also many times picked at a very young stage. However, I have used small regular cukes for pickling with fine success.
We dug up quite a few potatoes this week since some of the plants seemed to be struggling. The quantity was not what we hoped for, so we cleaned out the potato patch, added a lot of compost, tilled, and reseeded with some beets, carrots, turnips, peas, beans, and kohlrabi. These crops may or may not ripen in time this fall, but we felt it was worth the risk since we had to pull the potatoes anyway.
Right now for sale:
Herbs (basil, dill, sage, parsley)
Summer squash
Snap Peas
Sweet Onions
Have a wonderful Thursday!