The picture on this post is of green zebra tomatoes. Easily one of the best tasting and beautiful green tomatoes. They are fully ripe although they may not look it.
We are finally enjoying the fruits of some crops that have been a long time in maturing. I found our first few ripe cantaloupes yesterday and expect more as the weeks go on. We have already harvested the first few hot peppers too. Tomatoes also seem to be growing heavier at each picking as well. Walking through the winter squash and pumpkin patch I was encouraged. Earlier on this year I wasn’t sure we would get much of anything, but now it seems as though, barring an early killing frost, we should have some good produce there too. Watermelons are sizing up nicely, but I haven’t seen any signs of mature fruit…yet. I will explain how to tell when a watermelon is ripe in a future post.
On another note, our weekend market was rained out in Marshfield. What this means is that we did not sell much produce and we are sitting on a quite a bit of stuff which needs to be sold and used soon. Therefore we are running special on some items this week as follows:
Tomatoes – (all varieties) $1.00/#
Zucchini and Summer Squash .75/#
Cucumbers – (all varieties) .50/#
Beans (green, purple, yellow, dragon tongue) $1.00/#
Carrots (large)- $1.00/#
Snacking carrots (smaller size) .50/#
Also available:
Beets (red, gold, striped) $1.50/#
Cauliflower (orange, purple) – $4.00-$6.00 each
Broccoli (limited supply) – $2.00/#
Cabbage (red or green) .75/#
Sweet Onions – .75/#
Herbs (parsley, dill, basil, cilantro) – $2.00/bunch
Cantaloupe – $4.00/each (limited supply)
Please contact us if interested!
Have a great day.